

Rad & Happy is a design and lifestyle brand that’s full of rad design that makes your heart happy, magical late night Target runs, laughing out loud, a deep rooted love for dry shampoo, and lots of black and white goodness.

What you’ll find here:

  • Hand Lettering
  • Bad Puns
  • Fun Doodles
  • Momma Life
  • Product Reviews
  • Always Evolving Business Ventures
  • Relatable & Ridiculous Quotes
  • Learning & Teaching
  • And me, Tara!

Hi! Tara here. Momma to 4 huge eye balled little humans who’s a big fan of how handsome her husband Matthew looks with facial hair, reading approximately 8 million reviews on an item before I buy it, and staying up way too late every single night.

Our family lives in Southern California where I never have to be cold again after getting my Graphic Design degree from BYU - Idaho (best school ever) and a donut shop that’s open 24 hours. I love my babies and their dad. I am honored to be their momma and wife. And I love our little life here.

Rad & Happy has been evolving since 2010 as my creative outlet that has turned into an extension of who I am and what I love. From something as simple as a beautifully written joke, to spreading joy and gratitude and connecting with so many incredible people, this venture of mine has turned into something I love with my whole heart.

Ultimately I am just so humbled and grateful you’re here! Thanks for helping make all my 5th grade, gel pen loving, doodling up and down the sides of assignments self’s dreams come true.

“The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.”
-Henry Ward Beecher