The mom & me journal partially on top of the dad & me journal on a desk
Two hands holding the mom & me journal
Two hands holding dad & me journal showing cover
Artistic close up shot of an inside page and bookmark
Mom & me journal mostly obscuring dad & me journal
Dad & me journal partially obscured by mom & me journal
Artistic close up shot of mom & me journal cover corner
Artistic close up of journals stacked showing yellow bookmarks
Mom & me journal opened with handwriting on page
Artistic shot of close up of journals stacked
Artistic shot of journals stacked showing yellow bookmarks
Inside page of journal showing handwriting, a pen, and a hand.
Artistic close up shot of prompts page with handwriting
Two hands holding journal open to prompts page
Inside page showing journal prompts and a hand holding the page flat
Two hands holding journal open to prompts page
Two hands holding mom & me journal showing cover
Two hands holding mom & me journal showing cover
Close up of mom & me cover held by two hands
Mom & me journal cover hand by two hands

Mom & Dad Connection Journal

Regular price$30.00
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The idea for this Mom & Dad Connection Journal came when looking for a journal to share between my kids. Everything I found was cheesy, drawn out, and not something I would stick to honestly. I wanted something that fostered REAL connection. Something that showed my kids that I was human too and that what is going on in their life matters to me. I wanted a safe place to write back and forth dialog where they could ask questions and be open with me.

So that is exactly what I created. A connection journal with 5 simple prompts that help you find gratitude, ask questions, be vulnerable, be engaged, and the space to clear your mind. These prompts can be silly and lighthearted and/or deep and personal. But either way they will connect you to your child in a way that is safe and doable. 

Being vulnerable and creating connection is so important in a parent child relationship for everyone involved. It helps the child feel seen and loved and helps the parent slow down and focus on those relationships that are the most important. Sometimes that can feel a lot overwhelming but these Mom & Dad Connection Journals will break it down in a way that is doable, fun, and approachable. 

Also the thought of kids and their dads sharing this journal is enough to make me cry my freaking eyes out. Like a sons slightly dirty hands tucking this so gently under their dads pillow after a hard day?! Forget about it. Cutest thing ever. 

If you would like both Mom & Dad Connection Journals, select the Mom & Dad bundle to automatically receive a $5 discount on your order! 

175 prompt pages!


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