Common Mistakes

Like with anything, there are several common mistakes a lot of people make when starting to hand letter. Luckily for you, I've gone before you and I'm here to share a few of them here so hopefully you don't make the same mistakes. Click play to hear my best advice on avoiding mistakes every hand letterer makes from time to time.


Common Mistakes:

  • Writing too fast – When you think you’re going slow, do half of that speed. You want to write SO slow. You need to be in control of that pen, and if you’re drawing too fast, you’re not in complete control. Going slow also helps build muscle memory.
  • Not lifting the pen – Make sure you’re lifting them pen in between each stroke. This will help keep all your strokes even. It also helps you move your hand between each stroke, so you can always be holding your hand the right way.
  • Unequal spacing –The goal you're trying to achieve is the same amount of visual space between each letter and each word.
  • Inconsistency – If you're feeling frustrated with your lettering, take a look at your cohesiveness. Do all your angles, lines, and curves look similar? Do your letters look like they belong together? You can always go back to the "Consistency" lesson for a refresher. 
  • Picking the wrong tools for you – I shared some of my favorites back in lesson two, but I recommend playing around and seeing what works best for you and finding out what you like. Just because it works for someone else, doesn't mean you're going to love it. 
  • Using the iPad too much – There is no substitute for a good pencil and a piece of paper. The iPad is an amazing tool and I love it, but I strongly recommend putting it away every once in a while and learning the basics the old-fashioned way. 
  • Using the wrong paper – If you're just using regular printer paper, it's going to eat away at your pens.  So make sure you're using the correct paper like we talked about in the materials lesson.
  • Not putting in the time – You have to be willing to put in some good honest time if you want good honest skills.

Identifying these common mistakes will help you avoid them on your own lettering journey. As you work through your lettering, keep these concepts in mind and be aware if you start to fall into similar traps. Up next, it's what we've all been waiting for—we're going to complete a lettering piece from start to finish. I'll see you there!