Ready for another muscle-strengthening drill? This time we're looking at repetition. I love this exercise. If I'm struggling with a certain word and feeling like my lettering just looks off, I'll grab a piece of paper and simply start filling up the page. The key here is to try and make every letter as consistent as possible. You want the whole page to look the same throughout. See what I mean in the video below.
Tips & Tricks:
- Pick a letter you're struggling with. This drill is designed to help you improve, so don't pick one you're already a pro at drawing.
- Go really slow. Your goal is to make each letter as consistent as possible.
- If you don't like the first one you draw, spend some time getting it right before continuing on to fill the page. You're going to base the rest of your letter on the very first one, so make sure you like it.
- You may be tempted to get cozy and start slouching, but good posture is going to pay off here. Sit up straight in your chair, don't hunch your shoulders forward, and breathe through each letter. You'll start to develop a rhythm as you go.
This drill is amazing at building strength in your hand. By doing the same thing over and over, you’re building muscle memory. Whatever letter you picked, down the road when you're writing, your hand will remember exactly how to draw it and it will come out consistent because of the practice you put in now.
ASSIGNMENT: Pick a letter and fill the page!